The Ministry of culture of Lithuania helps to distribute the book on Holocaust to Lithuanian schools

LITVAK WORLD_CLAIMS CONFERENCE_LITHUANIAN SCHOOLS_2016  Please, download this touching feedback presentation, collected all over Lithuania on Holocaust education lessons.

While translating the book “Smuggled in potato sacks. 50 stories of the hidden kids from the Kaunas ghetto.” from Hebrew into Lithuanian we were planning to donate the books to the schools, but did not dare to dream about gaining such a warm support from the Ministry of culture of Lithuania. Can you imagine a car of the Ministry of culture travelling to the most distant towns and villages bringing the book for their Holocaust education in your country?

Mr. Šarūnas Birutis, former Minister of culture of the Republic of Lithuania, not only provided the transportation of the book “Smuggled in potato sacks. 50 stories of the hidden kids from the Kaunas ghetto.” to the most distant villages of Lithuania, but also issued a recommendation letter for the teachers, encouraging them to use the book for Holocaust education, which was attached to each copy of the donated book.
The feedback of the teachers that they provided us after reading the book with their pupils, was really touching and inspiring to go on with this mission.

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